How To Remove Algae From Pool Without A Vacuum? Let’s Find Out

Algae is a natural part of a pool’s ecosystem. It grows when there are too many nutrients in the water, such as phosphates and nitrates. Algae can also appear if you don’t use a pool cover when you’re done.

Green algae is the most common type of algae found in swimming pools. More so, if you have an excess of green algae in your pool, then it could be harmful to your skin and eyes.

Surprisingly, you can remove excessive Algae from the pool to make it useable again without vacuuming. And that’s why we are here to learn how to remove algae from the pool without a vacuum. So, let’s get started!

How To Remove Algae From Pool Without A Vacuum:

Below are the easiest ways to remove algae from your swimming pool without vacuuming.

Tip #1: Remove Dead Algae With A Pool Brush:

The best way to get rid of the dead algae is by using a pool brush. You should use this regularly so that you do not have any problems with your swimming pool at all.

Pool brushes have long handles with bristles attached at the end. They’re primarily used for brushing your pool’s walls, steps, and floors to remove dirt and debris before you clean them with chlorine.

However, they can also be used for removing dead algae from the bottom of your swimming pool.

If you have lots of algae on the bottom of your swimming pools and want to get rid of it quickly, then using a brush might be your best bet. It won’t take much effort on your part, either. Simply move the brush back and forth across the floor until all traces of dead algae have been removed from

Tip #2: Shock The Pool For 48 Hours:

Shock the pool for 48 hours. This will help to eliminate any remaining algae in the water. Also, it helps to neutralize the chlorine levels to add more chlorine to your pool.

To shock your pool, add 1 gallon of liquid chlorine bleach per 10,000 gallons of water to the pool. Be sure to dilute it with water first before adding it to your pool, or you risk damaging your pool’s vinyl liner.

Tip #3: Clean Up The Dead Algae:

Dead algae are the easiest to clean up because it’s just floating on top of the water. You can use a pool skimmer net to clean it up. Just run it over the surface of your pool, and all the dead algae will be cleaned up in no time.

Tip #4: Check Your Pool’s pH Level And Add A Chlorine-Based Algaecide:

The next thing you should do is make sure that your pool’s pH level is between 7.2 and 7.8, and you have added an algaecide to the water.

Basically, algaecides are chlorine-based chemicals that can be used to kill algae.

In general, you should use 1 ounce of algaecide per 10,000 gallons of water every week or two if there are a lot of algae in your pool and less frequently if there aren’t many algae present.

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